Say Again, Please (Kindle edition): Guide to Radio Communications by Bob Gardner
Say Again, Please (Kindle edition): Guide to Radio Communications by Bob Gardner PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Talking on an aviation radio and understanding air traffic control instructions can be one of the most intimidating aspects of flight training. Bob Gardner's "Say Again, Please" teaches readers what to say, what to expect to hear, and how to interpret and react to clearances and instructions, while detailing the airspace system and explaining how the ATC system works.
This new Fifth Edition has been expanded and updated throughout to reflect current FAA rules and operating procedures. Chapters in the book cover communication etiquette and rules, understanding radio equipment, emergency situations, and both VFR and IFR communications and clearances. Also included: a concise summary of the FAA’s communication facilities and their functions, airspace classifications and definitions, and the FAA’s recommended shorthand for copying clearances.
The communication requirements for entering, departing, and transiting each class of airspace is explained in detail by following along with the author on "simulated" flights. A full-color sectional excerpt, in an attached fold-out format, is provided for the example flights so readers can review the map while reading the explanation for flying and talking in each area. Readers will learn everything they need to communicate effectively in VFR, IFR, and emergency conditions. The example foldout sectional chart is in full color and is also used for example flights discussed throughout the book.
Bob Gardner's conversational-yet-concise writing style in his approach to aviation communications will help increase your comfort level when using an aircraft radio. The book features "talk" examples of typical radio transmissions that explain how the air traffic control system works, as well as present simulated flights that clearly demonstrate correct communication procedures in each class of airspace.
This hands-on book covers the following:
--The ABCs of communicating
--Understanding radio equipment
--Communication etiquette and rules
--VFR, IFR, and emergency communication procedures
--Air traffic control facilities and their functions
--Review of airspace definitions
--Glossary of pilot/controller communication terms and phrases
Let "Say Again, Please" help you learn how to communicate in the air.
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